Match Kramnik - Aronian  Final Gana Aronian
Escrito el 05/05/07 at 17:01:54 GMT-06:00 por Admin
Partidas y torneos Aronian 4-2 a su favor y Gana El Match

Match Kramnik - Aronian se llevara a cabo en Yerevan , Armenia a 6 juegos de 25 minutos con incremento de 10 segundos por jugada Partidas en zona de descargas

Standing Ronda 4

Kramnik 1 0 0 0 1/2 1/2 2

Aronian 0 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 4

Entrevista con Aronian
Yerevan, Armenia May 3, 2007
Conducted by Aram Hajian

AH: Hi Levon – nice to talk to you again and welcome back to Yerevan. Tomorrow you square off against the World Champion Vladimir Kramnik in a 6 game rapid chess match. How would you assess him as a player?

LA: Well, it is well known that Kramnik rarely loses, a solid positional player in the classic sense. In fact, I have to say that I like to play in a similar style - I like his games. Of course, he has had his ups and downs, but when he is at his best you could say that he is almost unbeatable.

AH: I am sure you were following the Leko-Kramnik match [won by Kramnik 4.5-3.5]. What were your impressions of the games?

LA: Actually, I didn’t have time to follow the games as I was at a training camp here in Armenia. I did have a chance to briefly look at the games after the fact, but can’t give you a really deep assessment. Nevertheless, it seems that his victory was fairly convincing, an opinion shared by several of my colleagues who followed the games more carefully.

AH: Much has been discussed about your meteoric rise to the very top of chess over the past two years. If there was a single factor that you would attribute to this rise, what would it be?

LA: [some hesitation] Pure luck. [Laughter]

AH: Well, OK, I guess everyone is entitled to his opinion. Levon, you mentioned that you were at a training session recently. Who do you work with?

LA: It has become customary for me to study chess with friends. And once again, in the resort town of Jermuk, I was with several of my “usual suspects,” GMs Gabriel Sargissian, Arman Pashikian, and Ara Minasian. Regarding this session, I am quite satisfied from the time spent with them and think that it was a successful effort. I’d like to underscore that I enjoy training with my friends.

AH: Armenians have cemented their reputation as a strong chess-playing nation. Is there a so-called “Armenian style” of chess? If so, how would you describe it?

LA: Generally, you could say that Armenians have had a lack in opening preparation, leading to positions out of the opening where they haven’t enjoyed much of an opening advantage. Maybe the Informants [compendiums of opening theory and analysis] didn’t reach far-away Armenia because of the unreliable postal service [smiling]. Seriously though, one could characterize Armenians by their fighting spirit, often playing long games, striving for victory to the very end. But it's possible that I am not so typical in this regard. My recent experience playing in many high level tournaments has compelled me to improve my opening preparedness.

AH: Levon, you are well known as a strong player in all kinds of formats. What do you have to say about the 25 minute game time control?

LA: I like playing chess. It doesn’t matter if it is 5 minute blitz, 25 minute rapid, or a 2 hr per side classical match. Quite simply, I enjoy playing chess.

AH: Any closing thoughts?

LA: Just a warm greeting to all my friends and fans!

AH: OK. Thanks Levon and best of luck in the upcoming match

Photo and Interview ©

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Escrito el 08/15/07 at 19:26:40 GMT-06:00 por jose13peralta
Soy una persona que sabe muy poco del idioma ingles me agradaria que hubiese una traducción por lo menos de lo mas primordial del texto

 Traducción libre
Escrito el 08/21/07 at 10:27:19 GMT-06:00 por RicardoTovar
Entrevista con Aronian
Yerevan, Armenia May 3, 2007
Conducted by Aram Hajian

AH: Cual es tu opinión de Kramnik como jugador?

LA: K raramente pierde gracias a su sólido estilo posicional en el sentido clásico. A mi me gusta jugar un estilo parecido, de hecho, me gustan sus juegos. Por dsupuesto tiene sus altibajos, pero jugando a su máximo es practicamente inbatible.

AH: A que atribuyes tu meteórico ascenso a los más altos niveles del ajedrez mundial?

LA: [Se incomoda] Pura suerte [Risas]

AH: Qué opinas del control de tiempo de 25 minutos por juego?

LA: Me gusta jugar ajedrez. No importa si es blitz, un rapidín de 25 minutos, a un juego clásico de 2hr por jugador. Es muy simple disfruto jugar ajedrez

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